The chances for the ÖVP are excellent, those for the FPÖ are not as bad as one should assume, polls show, and the SPÖ is still struggling after its moderate performance in the European elections for composure, strategy and leadership – with rather poor prospects for rapid Recovery.
High expectations
The European elections were almost two weeks ago and the National Council election is almost around the corner. The chances for the ÖVP are excellent, those for the FPÖ are not as bad as one should assume, polls show, and the SPÖ is still struggling after its moderate performance in the European elections for composure, strategy and leadership – with rather poor prospects for rapid Recovery. Not a bad starting point for the Greens. The bar is high.
This article originally appeared in News Issue No. 23/19
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Rigi9Sun., June 16. 2019 20:53
Only big knockers !!! You can see what happened in Vienna! A city destroyed by infiltration !!!
Page 1 of 1 ”
In the “green office building” in Vienna’s inner city district of Neubau, the Greens have started collecting declarations of support for their candidacy for the National Council election. In addition to top candidate Werner Kogler, the green district chairman Markus Reiter, deputy mayor Birgit Hebein and several candidates for the NR election also appeared. Kogler also commented on a possible turquoise-green coalition.
Host Reiter was delighted with the media-effective campaign in his district, “which has been successfully ruled by the Greens for 18 years to the satisfaction of the population”. “We also need to be close to the citizens,” added Kogler. He reported on “a lot of encouragement” that he is currently experiencing everywhere in the country and was confident that the Greens will manage to return to parliament. Because in the population there is “a great need for environmental and climate protection to come back to parliament”. Another big issue for the Greens is justice and the fight against child poverty, affirmed Kogler and Hebein.
“Eight percent is twice as much as four percent.”
Kogler did not agree to specific figures regarding the election result, he only said: “Eight percent is twice as much as four percent.” The main goal is to return to parliament and these figures are not important, “but our content,” said Kogler, who repeatedly urged humility.123 help me essays Kogler described a possible turquoise-green coalition as difficult to imagine when asked, but talks will not be closed after the election.
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The NEOS presented their current income and expenditure on Tuesday. In addition to the 300,000 euro donation from Hans Peter Haselsteiner, which became known on Monday, three more have been so far in July
Large donations
Received a total of 90,000 euros, reported NEOS General Secretary Nikola Donig. The supporters did not want to be deprived of “their freedom” to donate, he said.
Peter Pilz
demanded, however, a closure of the “pink and turquoise sausage route” in the form of further tightening
Party law
When asked about a crooked look that the Haselsteiner donation arrived shortly before the donation cap came into effect, Donig countered on Tuesday at a press conference in Vienna: “I don’t think I’m surprised that Hans Peter Haselsteiner is also supporting NEOS in this election campaign completely understandable. ” In addition, the money had already arrived at NEOS at the beginning of June – back then as a loan. Because of the approaching election campaign, Haselsteiner waived the repayment of the 300,000 euros, said Donig.
“Everything NEOS do with the help of support”
The Secretary General also pointed out that “everything that NEOS do, happens with the help of support” – regardless of whether it is financial, factual or temporal. “Otherwise there would be no such new form of politics,” said Donig and made a sweeping blow: “And we do that, although unlike the ÖVP we have no leagues, unlike the SPÖ, no companies, unlike the FPÖ no dubious ones Associations and in contrast to the Greens no state party funding, which then opens the way for further funding. “
Taken in just over a million euros
So far, in 2019, the NEOS have raised just over a million euros (1,062,716 euros) through crowdfunding and donations. A total of 1,433 donations were received. “That is on average 741.60 euros. That shows that many people are willing to donate for their political convictions. The SPÖ and FPÖ have taken this freedom away with their anti-competition package,” said Donig.
Current law “transparency zero number”
The deputy NEOS club boss Nikolaus Scherak also referred to the current one
Party law
as “transparency zero number”. He again requested that all parties disclose their 2017 statement of accounts. He also expects the parties to disclose all income and expenses from 2018/2019 – especially the governing parties. “We want to know where the money is coming from,” said Scherak and renewed the call for a transparency database.
He also demanded disclosure of all income and expenses of all parties in the election campaign. “We want to see,” said Donig. From now on, the NEOS will report every two weeks on their campaign funding, it said.
Pilz wants to close the “pink and turquoise sausage route”
NOW MP Peter Pilz has also called for further tightening of the party law. The “pink and turquoise sausage route” must be closed, he said with a view to Haselsteiner’s € 300,000 donation and other party donations to the ÖVP. He claims to have included membership fees from party members in the limit of 7,500 euros.
The reason for this demand from Pilz is the announcement by NEOS at the weekend to change its party statute to include “sponsoring party members” in the future (whose membership fees would not fall within the maximum donation limit of 7,500 euros per donor and year). NEOS Secretary General Nick Donig had announced this and was “completely open” to “circumventing the new party law,” said Pilz. “The NEOS are a party that, firstly, is unclean, secondly, is non-transparent and, thirdly, has not the slightest respect for laws that the National Council has just passed,” he said.
The donation was originally a loan
Pilz pointed out that the € 300,000 donation was originally a loan from Haselsteiner to the party. On July 5th, this was converted into a donation, as he said with reference to the NEOS homepage – according to Pilz with the aim of circumventing the 7,500 euro limit per year. Because with an annual donation of only 7,500 euros, it would have taken the industrialist until 2059 to donate the 300,000 euros, according to Pilz.
Mushroom for further tightening
In addition to the inclusion of membership fees in the donation cap, Pilz also envisages further tightening: He advocates introducing a criminal offense of “donation laundering” with a penalty of three years imprisonment (for example when setting up circumvention structures such as associations). Pilz also wants a complete ban on party financing by companies (and their owners) that receive public contracts. “This is the only way we can wash the dirty fingers of ÖVP and NEOS.” And addressed “to the address of the FPÖ and SPÖ”, the MP demanded that the Court of Auditors create a “complete control” of the party finances.
Mushroom defends cartoon
Once again, Pilz clearly defended the caricature by NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger published on the online portal of the list JETZT (“”). In it, the party leader was portrayed as a bitch snapping at a sausage that was holding out to her Haselsteiner. The image of the sausage and the dachshund was introduced by NEOS MP Irmgard Griss, said Pilz, referring to statements by the MPs in the National Council meeting in early July. He would judge such a thing ironic, so Pilz, who also wants the caricature to be included in this series. Criticism of it is “completely absurd”. “I want a ban on donations of millions and no censorship of cartoons.” In any case, his list will “deal with this issue throughout the election campaign” and report on other donors: “We will illuminate the turquoise swamp and we will illuminate the pink swamp,” said Pilz.
The FPÖ also criticizes NEOS and ÖVP
Criticism of NEOS and the ÖVP also came from the FPÖ on Tuesday: the two parties are “already at the forefront after the resolution of the new party donation law when it comes to finding ways to circumvent them,” said FPÖ General Secretary Christian Hafenecker in a broadcast . The ÖVP had fully exhausted the time before the election campaign cost ceiling of seven million euros was hit. The NEOS, in turn, would try to circumvent the upper limit for donations “by replacing donations with horrific membership fees”. Even if this procedure may be legally correct, it is “morally reprehensible”.
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Like the survey by
Former Chancellor Werner Faymann
(SPÖ) last week, today’s Burgenland Governor Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) in the BVT investigation committee was more or less pointless. The former defense minister had no observations whatsoever on the subject of the investigation, as he replied to the only question from the trial judge.
SPÖ and NEOS refrained from asking questions at all, the NOW MP Peter Pilz essentially only made fun of the charge obtained by the ÖVP by asking the red governor, for example, whether he belonged to the black networks in the interior ministry, the subject of the U committee are.
Only “political assessment” of a scandal
The ÖVP argued that just a few days ago Doskozil had spoken in a newspaper interview that the BVT affair was actually a VP scandal – as he meant it. Purely political assessment without background knowledge, the governor replies in a similar manner.
As for the cooperation between the intelligence services, Abwehramt and Army Intelligence Service, subordinate to him as Defense Minister, with the BVT, Doskozil said that coordination with the services and the judiciary was just as important to him. The cooperation worked by and large.
It was also discussed whether Doskozil had had contacts with lawyer Gabriel Lansky, whose files are part of the BVT affair. No, replied the governor, at least not in his time as minister – and when he returned to Burgenland, he ended Lansky’s representation in cultural affairs.
Brief appearance
Doskozil also appeared in the committee in the animal rights affair because, as state police chief, he was jointly responsible for banning animal activists who wanted to demonstrate against gate hunts at Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly. The governor said that the bans were imposed to reduce the risk of danger.
After less than an hour the spook was over and Doskozil was able to return home to Burgenland. The second and last person to provide information on Wednesday is former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), who is expected at 3:30 p.m.
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The NOW list has published a cartoon in the debate about party funding, the NEOS boss
Beate Meinl-Reisinger
degrading portrayed as a bitch who snaps at a sausage that her NEOS sponsor and entrepreneur Hans Peter Haselsteiner is holding out. The drawing was published in the online magazine of the list The NEOS reacted indignantly.
The comparison of humans with animals had recently caused great political outrage when the former FPÖ Vice Mayor of Braunau compared migrants with rodents in a poem entitled “The City Rat”.
NEOS “stunned”
NEOS General Secretary Nick Donig was “stunned by the misogynist and disrespectful cartoon”. “That is even below the FPÖ level and shows the old white man
Peter Pilz
did not learn anything in the exit either. Neither in dealing with women nor in a decent political debate, “said Donig, referring to the allegations of sexual harassment against Peter Pilz.
Now it is also clear why the party financing law whipped by parliament from NOW, FPÖ and SPÖ is so terrible. “If you write laws with foam at the mouth, you don’t contribute to transparency, but rather poison the atmosphere,” says Donig.