Canary’s Pet FLR – Chores and Obedience Workouts

Canary’s Pet FLR – Chores and Obedience Workouts

A Husbands Journey In A Female Led Relationship

As I’ve formerly written, Lady Canary is a dominant that is natural. A lot of it had been minimized and frustrated throughout Her life, prior to our life together, but being the sort of sub that i will be, i possibly could feel Her dominance the moment we became included. I happened to be afraid but definitely aroused. She’s very long since acquired my love and complete trust, and of course respect and adoration. Very long before we stumbled on her, asking that she be my formal authority figure inside our relationship, I happened to be already serving her on a few levels: by means of chores and also by means of sex. Continue reading “Canary’s Pet FLR – Chores and Obedience Workouts”