CLOONEY: Well, yeah, he finished up getting actually hurt and soon after in life, it certainly returned to haunt him. I believe Tom’s been a tad bit more careful and times are just a little various. You don’t see him using hits that are full-on Burt did within the Longest Yard. Therefore, look, I’m a jock. We perform great deal of activities. We roll my ankles and break my fingers; We broke my base and tore my Achilles, and I’ve been dinged up a complete lot, therefore I obtain it. But i usually figure if there’s someone that may better make it look on film…but once again, Tom is very good at that, it’s exactly what he does. You will see a time when he throws down their hip and goes, ok, that’s sufficient, but he’sn’t struck that yet i assume. Continue reading “after which this one is read by me that Mark wrote. The closing amazed me, which never ever takes place.”